Hi guys.  Ok, I'm totally impressed with the methodology wrapped around this site.  I just ran a "probe" on my hardware - this is my "probe ID" (I think):


Anyway, I spent this afternoon and evening trying to set up a toolchain for working doing computation with my GPU hardware.  I have stumbled onto a functional array language called Futhark.  One of its capabilities is to compile modules for import into Python that will use OpenCL to send numerical work to my GPU - this is my immediate goal.

I got Futhark itself working, and sample programs run when I target the CPU for the computations.  I've also figured out how to install the pyopencl package for Python.  The whole thing runs, but it reports a "no platform found" error, and my assessment of that is that I don't have the necessary Intel drivers to tie my hardware into OpenCL.

I'm looking for advice - I just *love* the way I was able to do a "probe" of my hardware so that I can properly inform you guys about what all my details are.  Anyway, if anyone has any pointers or advice, I'd be ever so happy.


Hi.  I got two entire toolchains working, I think, except for that lowest level driver.  To do that, I did need to install a number of opencl related packages.  I got Cray's Chapel working - it will compile a GPU application and let me run it, but it throws a "Platform Not Found" error.  And I used a tool I found a day or two ago called Futhark (a functional array langage which can produce importable Python packages via pyopencl) and was able to run a finished Python program too - it threw exactly the same error.

So, I think I found all of the pieces except the very most hardware-specific one.  I've looked around on Intel and found a number of Linux distros called out as supported, but I don't know how to map my Fedora 34 onto that information.

On top of all of it, I'm scared to just "try things" too much, for fear of fouling up some low level driver thing in my system that I then have a hard time recovering from.  That's kind of why I was so excited by this "probe" thing this site uses - what a great way for me to expose all the details about my system.

Here is a (partial, maybe) list of packages I've had in at some point during this work:


There were some others, but those are the ones I think were most immediate to this corner of things.  I also tried to install a tool called beignet, because I read something that made me think it would bring in with it the necessary driver.  I never managed to get it fully installed, though - it claimed it couldn't find some or another thing, that I could clearly see in my package list and could see in /usr/include.

I don't really like trying to solve things this way - I hate that feeling of "taking pot shots" at the problem  hoping I accidentally resolve it.  :-(

So, folks - progress this morning.  It was all rather torturous, but I've at least succeeded in getting past the "No platforms found" error.  However, the *.icd file that I have installed in /etc/OpenCL/vendors is apparently old - it's returning a version 1.2, and the get_devices() call reports an unknown ID 9b41.  If you look at the very first line in my probe, that is in the id string reported for my graphics card.  So, we're talking to the hardware now, but my driver is too old - I saw yesterday that I need OpenCL v3.0 minimum.  So the remaining quest is to put my hands on a newer *.icd file to drop into /etc/OpenGL/vendors, I think.  At least that seems plausible.  So now I have a new goal and will get after that.  If any of you happen to know where I can find that file, please let me know, but I don't feel "at a loss" the way I did yesterday.

Hope you all have a great day!

Actually that icd file just has a line in it designating a library on my system - libcl.so.  The copy of that I'm using to make the above progress is from a tool called beignet, and I now believe that's a "legacy" tool, so it's not surprising that it's old.  What I'm trying to do now is chase down a more current libcl.so, but with no luck so far.

Installing Intel hardware drivers for OpenCL to use can be a straightforward process. Here are some general steps to follow: Identify your Intel hardware: Identify the specific Intel hardware you have, such as a CPU or GPU, and write down the model or serial number. Visit Intel's website: Visit the official Intel website (www.intel.com) and navigate to the "Support" or "Downloads" section. Find drivers: Use the search or navigation options on the Intel website to find the appropriate driver for your hardware. Find drivers related to OpenCL or GPU acceleration. Download and install: Download drivers for your specific hardware and operating system. Follow the instructions provided to install the driver on your system. Verify installation: Once the installation is complete, reboot your system if necessary. You can then verify if the Intel hardware driver is working correctly by checking the device manager or using the diagnostic tools provided by Intel. I have referenced the solution on apktome, if you still have an unresolved problem, you can refer to it right away.
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